City residents observe Day of Resurrection

Easter is the principal festival of the Christian church, which celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion.

Different denominations celebrated the Rising of Jesus Christ who died on the Cross on Good Friday and rose at dawn on Easter Sunday.

Hymns of the Resurrection of Jesus were sung in most churches in the Nation’s Capital. Songs about the Cross, the stone/tomb was rolled away, songs of Resurrection and songs of a new beginning.

Reverend Sioni Kami Memorial Church (RSKMC) had an Easter Camp during the long weekend and that concluded yesterday with a powerful message titled, "The Path to Eternal Life".

“The Path to eternal life, Jesus Christ says “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die,” preached Elder Leana Moere.

More than 1,513 people attended RSKMC, which is one of the largest churches in the nation's capital.

Grace Baptist Church, had the sharing of the Rising of Jesus Christ at dawn of the third day of His passing according to the Holy Bible.

AOG Cornerstone Gateway Church in the Gordon Centre also had wonderful hymns sung in Church with the message ‘This year to encounter God’s Presence’.

AOG Cornerstone Gateway Church, Reverend Tony Dalaka preached, “When we talk about the Resurrection morning, there are two things about Jesus Christ we must understand. In Jesus there is death and in Jesus there is life, life because he gives us life, death because he destroys our sin in himself. That is why you confess in Him.”

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