Audio bibles changing lives

Audio bibles were supplied to remote areas of Papua New Guinea through the support of MAF Technologies and Church partner Fellowship of National Bible Churches (FNBC).

According to the National Research Institute, illiteracy in PNG is a worrying issue as PNG’s literacy rate is one of the lowest in the Pacific. Despite this high rate of illiteracy, MAF Technologies and FNBC continue to supply also through the Bible boxes distributions through MAF planes.

FNBC is behind this initiative and is conducting comprehensive study of God’s word using the ‘Planim Post’ chronological teaching, which is available through the Audio Bible. About 170 locals from Nandani, Okainawa and Yavaipo villages in Menyamya and Bulolo Districts participated in this study program and were baptized.

Kachiwi Holisa from Okainawa was baptized and shared that her life changed after this study.

“My life is not perfect, and I am a sinful woman. I thought no one could save me. But as I began to read and comprehend the Bible through the teaching, I realized that only Jesus can save me. And through his death on the cross, my sins were gone and now I am free”, Kachiwi said.

MAF Technologies stated that the study led communities to God’s word through having access to the print and audio Bibles.

FNBC Missionary and ‘Planim Pos’ facilitator, Pastor Robert Hane shared that the ministry was in in early stages and the collaboration with MAF technologies will continue as there are many people in rural communities who struggle to fully comprehend God’s word.

“The printed and audio Bibles have been an instrumental tool that assisted the participants to comprehend the word of God and I am truly grateful to MAF technologies for their ongoing support”, said Pastor Robert.

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