1Tribe fashion magazine soon to be published

1Tribe will be the name of the latest magazine to hit the local market.

This will be a locally owned high-end glossy magazine, dedicated to the fashion industry in the country and the Pacific.

The magazine will have a comprehensive coverage of business, fashion and arts, from all the Pacific islands.

Former Managing Director of PNG Fashion Week, Janet Sios and a small team of designers are working on this project.

The theme for PNG’s first Fashion Week last year “tribal eclectic” inspired the name of the magazine, says Sios.

“This is representing all tribes and the way of doing things, tribal designs, etc,” she said.

The proposed date for the launch is June but the release of the first magazine may go on.

“Hope we produce one with two shows - Pacific Fashion Week on Sydney and PNGFW.

We also welcome articles contributed by the public as well as ideas by people on what they want us to write about,” she said.


Gloria Bauai