Everyday People: Lloyd Nadile - Stay the course

Hi my name is Lloyd Nadile and I from Central and Milne Bay provinces, I am part of the dance crew WANSQUAD and my style of dance is RNB Hip Hop.

In HIP HOP dance there is an array of genres and styles and in our group we touch on specific styles that complement the kind of choreography we want to deliver, and I incorporate my specific style of slow RnB Hip Hop into our routines.

I have been a dancer for over 10 years, having started very young it has been quite a journey in growth and discipline for me.

Starting out as a dancer, I gained much of my inspiration from watching other dancers from Papua New Guinea perform. I would go around in different settings like Ela Beach and see the kind of routines they had and it would urge me to try incorporate few tricks of theirs fused with my own.

From when I was very young I recall doing the Robot dance and it was and still is the hype on many stages whether at a dance battle, competition, club vibe or just messing around with the boys.

Since joining WANSQUAD, these past four years have been great, and I don’t mean just the travelling and representing the country but also learning about things that help in other aspects of life like setting goals and committing to accomplishing them.

My career in dance sport has been remarkable and it all started when we competed in New Zealand to qualify for the World Championship in the U.S. and managed to come in 10th place which was surreal for any of us to get that far.

We achieved yet another milestone when we entered into the Nomination World Championship in Australia straight after the U.S winning gold for Papua New Guinea and making our families proud.

Dance, when I first started out was not considered as much of anything until now it has received the recognition it so deserves as it impacts lives in a positive way keeping one fit and healthy, disciplined and more.

To all those aspiring young movers and shakers out there work hard and stay focused in something you believe in because our country has so much potential in doing great things whatever your goal may be.

Carol Kidu