Sir George Telek to link up with Stagajah and Kania this weekend

Hitting stages across Port Moresby this weekend are names like B Rad, Silas Kania, the legendary Sir George Telek and the Stagajah band, to name a few.

But with the Cosmopolitan Club, the fun begins tonight, January 26, with the Australia Day celebrations.

It will be an outdoor party indoor, where people are asked to come dressed in beach attire and thong, spend the night the Aussie way with a beer and a sausage sizzle.

The night of entertainment also include Male dance review to Men at Work - Down Under and ACDC’s – You Shook Me All Night Long -  with fun games and party with Aussie playlist.

The party may stop, but fun won’t.

Again on Friday January 27, Port Moresby’s super club will host the Stagajah birthday bash.

Taking on the stage to feature the Stagajah band are Y4gunz, B14, B Rad and Sailas Kania.

In the meantime at the Regal bar and Grill in Port Moresby, legendary Sir George Telek will rock the stage with the Silencer Band, spicing the night with  a repertoire  to add the New Guinea Islands flavour.

The Cosmopolitan’s super line-up of the weekend ends Saturday night, January 28 with the Chinese New Year celebration.

It is the Year of the Rooster that calls for a celebration with the Dragon & Lion Dance performances.

Gloria Bauai