Modelling getting more serious

PNG Fashion and Design Week is taking modelling more serious this year.

With the launch of PNG Fashion and Design Week 2017, the call out was made for interested models to express their interest.

Also was the emphasis on the model’s requirement of 165cm minimum height for females, and 170cm for males to be eligible.

“This is so we establish a standard going forward with runway shows and changing the standard of how runways in PNG are held,” said CEO Christopher Lam.

But this is not all. A model is the face of the brand and a bit more is required.

Lam said a lot of things will be highlighted as well all throughout the event.

“Models will be trained not only for runway preparations but also to think consciously about their choices, code of ethics, how to carry themselves, they will undergo a course to understand the reason behind us having this show and the importance of climate change and why awareness needs to be done further in PNG,” he said.

The theme for PNG Fashion and Design Week 2017 is Fashion x Climate Change.

Auditions are set for August 5 at the Murray Barracks Sports complex, where only 50 applicants will be chosen.

“This year, we will be strict with the way we handle models,” said Lam.

“All applicants will go through character interviews.

“In that way, we get to know a bit about the applicant and it will help us select the right model to walk. The 50 chosen will all be spoken to regarding code of ethics, how to carry themselves around and how to speak to people because it’s very important for us for our brand name and being our ambassadors,” he said.

The 50 successful applicants will undergo intense training for 8 weeks before walking the runway, where two of the best models will be selected to walk on the international runway in Sydney, Australia.

Applications for modelling are available at the Frangipani Printing at Vision City. More details provided on the Facebook page.

Gloria Bauai