Markham, Kabwum: Violence Condemned

Lae’s Member-Elect, John Rosso, has condemned the election-related violence in Morobe’s districts of Markham and Kabwum.

On Saturday, July 16th, political supporters destroyed the counting hall at Mutzing station, Markham District, over allegations of foul play and sorcery, which, they said, was why names were missing in the electoral roll. Ballot boxes were smashed and ballot papers burnt, including a tractor.

On Sunday, July 17th, a large number of Kabwum’s candidates and their supporters mobilised and destroyed all ballot papers and boxes, including a district office. They burnt two vehicles in the process.

All of these were done over allegations of foul play, sorcery and security breach.

After his declaration on Sunday evening, Rosso condemned the violence in the other two districts, saying the perpetrators need to be held liable.

Em no gutpla pasin yumi wokim; em no pasin Morobe yumi wokim,” he stated.

Disla ileksen em vout yet ba toktok and for people to destroy the democratic process, nau em wokim had olgeta lo yupla gat elected leader.

Em bai yumi lusim na Electoral Commissioner bai decide what to do with that.”

Rosso questioned why individuals resort to burning schools, district offices and hospitals “You burn the school and where will your children go? You burn the district office and where will you get service? You damage the hospital and where will you get medicine?

“We will look at this when we form government in the next couple of weeks.”

Carmella Gware