Bulolo Completes Exclusion 19

After exclusion 19th in the election race for Bulolo Open, United Labour Party Sam Basil Jnr continues to lead with over 15,000 votes.

1. 33. Sam Basil Jnr - 15, 462
2. 12. Russel Yakam - 4, 442
3. 26. Tae Guambelek - 2, 673
4. 30. Luke Kewo Jnr - 2, 599
5. 37. Dan Yansom - 2, 126
6. 15. Solomon Kitu - 1, 705
7. 22. Morrison Kula - 1, 645

Absolute Majority is at 16, 944
The leading candidate requires 1, 482 votes to be declared.

Source: Simon Soheke, Morobe Provincial Election Manager. 9:18pm, 24.07.2022

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