​Counting: Moresby South’s progressive result – after count 11

Incumbent Moresby South Member Justin Tkatchenko maintains the lead after count 11 at 6:30am today.

The progressive tally:

Moresby South




Justin Tkatchenko

People’s National Congress


Samson Kirilyo

Triumph Heritage Empowerment


Anna B Skate

People’s Progress Party


Nou Noel Gerea




Count 11 were ballot papers from New Town, Konedobu.

At count 11, total allowable stood at 4280 while 187 were informal votes.

Overall, 4,407 ballot papers have been counted from 11 ballot boxes.

Returning Officer Micheal Are suspended counting at 6:30am and will resume at 10am.

 This is to allow change of shift.

Moresby South has three teams working two shifts; day shift is from 8am-5pm while night shift is from 8pm to 4am.

11 ballot boxes have been counted from a total of 96.

Counting for the electorate started at 8:30 on Friday night.

Meanwhile, officials counting at the Kila Kila Secondary School have been urged by Are to prepare their own meals before their shift as they do not have refreshments provided.

More from Loop PNG today.

Sally Pokiton