Waste can be used to produce energy: Engineer

Solid waste can be turned into something good, like producing energy.

Engineer and biofuel enthusiast Thompson Benguma says while solid waste is a big problem in Lae and Port Moresby – an eyesore and health hazard, there is still hope.

The waste could be converted into gas to generate energy like power.

Benguma said city authorities need to establish a waste conversion plant.

Smaller towns would only need to establish waste processing facilities where waste is separated and dried, and then transported to the conversion plant.

He said a change of mindset is critical with respect to waste management because humans and industries need to be given the liberty to consume more without having to be concerned about the waste they generate.

In Port Moresby, the “Klinim Mosbi Campaign” was recently launched to address just that – dealing with solid waste by removing, reusing and recycling it.

Partners in this campaign are targeting young children to educate them on the three R’s, in the hope that this will change their mindset going into the future.

And instead of thinking big like a waste conversion plant – Klinim Mosbi Campaign is thinking small and creative, by reusing and recycling solid waste through art and craft.

Salome Vincent