A voice to help Ostomates continues to call for help

It’s still one woman’s fight in making sure the voice of Ostomates in PNG are heard loud and clear.

An Ostomate is a person who has undergone a surgical procedure to create an opening in the body called a stoma, used to discharge waste. 

Janet Yaki, an Ostomate herself, registered the PNG Stoma Association in 2011 to be a voice and vehicle of Ostomates in the country.

Their theme this year is “Many stories, One Voice!”

But to this day, Yaki is the only Ostomate pushing the association forward.

“It is still very hard for Ostomates to find the courage to come out because of the stigma that surrounds them,” she said.

But what may seem disgusting to others is in fact, a blessing to Ostomates.

“Stoma is our second chance to life and I am a living example. So I will do all I can to make sure other ostomates know there are more people like them out there,” Yaki added.

She says the association has been able to identify 202 Ostomates, but many more still remain in communities without proper care and knowledge.

Yaki has received assistance from individuals and companies helping her closer to the foundations goal.

She says the problem is trying to reach Ostomates in other provinces.

(Picture: Janet Yaki (far left) carries out training for nurses on Ostomate care in hospitals through provinces. This is her with the Hagen Hospital staff in June)

Gloria Bauai