UPNG registration going paperless

The University of Papua New Guinea will be seeing big changes in the area of Information Communication Technology starting next year, says Vice Chancellor Professor Albert Mellam.

 Among those changes will be the rollout of the paperless registration process which will see long registration lines become a thing of the past.

He says since the rollout of wifi internet access for students’ usage on campus, the university will be going paperless with its registration process.

Professor Mellam said a trial was carried out at the campus last Thursday which proved effective.

“Students will be able to register from their home provinces for the year before they fly in. Students will be able to access their timetable even before they come to school.”

Students in their second to final year of studies will be able to register online next year as their records are already in the system.

Meanwhile the university’s 50th Golden Jubilee celebrations will continue till next year.

Sally Pokiton