Renovation works on Boroko police cells continues

The refurbishment works at the Boroko Police Station cells are still ongoing as workers are now putting final touches to the cells blocks and restroom facilities.

NCDC and Central Province Commander Sylvester Kaluat says the detainees are still being kept at Waigani and Badili police stations. He says when the work is done, they will move into the new cell blocks.

Kalaut says we are only a couple of weeks away for the cell block to be completed to bring back the detainees to occupy the cells again.

The walls have been painted a shade of green with new and stronger bars on the cell gates and a heavy ceramic door painted grey put in the main entrance of the cell.

Broken brick walls have been replaced and the water leakage problem is no longer a problem in the cell.

“Once all maintenance and refurbishment work has been completed, the cell will be re-opened, it will be able to take in more detainees,” says Kalaut.

Annette Kora