Protest leader claims anti-PM march to go ahead

The corruption activist Noel Anjo is adamant people will flock to Unagi Oval in Port Moresby tomorrow (Monday) morning for the protest march calling on the Prime Minister to step down from office.

Speaking to Loop PNG, he said Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has close to 30 allegations against him and a petition has already been drawn up to be presented to him tomorrow.

Protestors will gather at Unagi Oval in the morning and then walk to the space beside the National Library at Waigani to present their petition.     

“We will petition the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to step down and submit himself to police for interview and arrest because of serious allegations levelled against him,” Anjo said.  

Despite National Capital District police boss Ben Turi declining approval for the protest march, the march will still go ahead, says Anjo.

“We have a court decision from last year restraining police from stopping us from doing a peaceful protest march.

“It will be a contempt of court if police stop us,” Anjo claimed.
