PM’s lawyer: No court case filed to stop Vote

There is no court proceeding filed by the Prime Minister’s lawyers at the Supreme Court to stop the Vote of no-confidence vote proceeding on Friday.

Prime Minister’s lawyer, Tiffany Twivey-Nonggorr clarified this afternoon that they have not and will not be filing any proceeding to stop the Vote of No Confidence taking place.

Her comments came after a rumoured post was made on social media, Facebook claiming that the Prime Minister’s legal team made submissions in court today seeking a court order to stop the vote taking place.

“I can assure you I have been sitting in my office all day doing admin paperwork. People are trying to create rumours,speculation and chaos.

“I can confirm that the PM and 80 members have been in meetings all day in Alotau to discuss governance issues into the future, being a responsible and mature government. I am informed that the government is strong and looking forward to completing the next 12 months,” Twivey-Nonggorr said.



Sally Pokiton