NRI: Need to improve land surveyors’ skills in PNG

With the increase in technology, there is a need for professional development to improve land surveyors’ skills in Papua New Guinea.

PNG National Research Institute (NRI) reports that surveyors contribute greatly to building PNG and have an important role to play in the development of customary land and the development of towns and cities.

PNG NRI Director Dr Charles Yala said it is important for land surveyors to learn about the current state-of-the-art technologies in order to effectively carry out their work.

Dr Yala highlighted that the main challenge faced by surveyors is the type of topography in the country, which requires investment in expensive equipment.

He said as new technologies used in surveying are developed, land surveyors in PNG must adapt to the changes in order to update their skills.

“We can mitigate these challenges by using drone technology integrated with up-to-date geographic information system (GIS).

“This could improve the collection of quality data sets in PNG,” Dr Yala said.

Another challenge highlighted is the shortage of surveyors in PNG which the government needs to address.

Dr Yala said there’s a need to use economic incentives such as scholarships to attract students to undertake the profession.

There must be increased marketing of the surveying profession to the general public, and networking of the Surveyors’ Association with related professions and agencies both domestically and abroad, said the director.

Quintina Naime