NRI to finalise reports on Universal Basic Education

The National Research Institute of Papua New Guinea is now working on its two-year reports on the Universal Basic Education (UBE) program.

The reports are focusing on districts and provinces and will centre on three indicators which are access, retention and quality of primary education.

The Institute is now working on completing reports for 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015, which are long overdue.

NRI director Dr Charles Yala said researchers will focus on collecting data at the provincial and district level to find out trends and how well the education system works at these levels.

“We want to generate the data at the provincial and district level looking at the three indicators as these are where the real issues lie and the level of implementation can be easily identified.

“We will be working closely with the Department of Education (DoE) as it is the legal body to release data information,” said Yala.

In addition, NRI is formulating a new UBE policy research framework, expected to be implemented soon to respond to stakeholder needs for data to inform planning, policy development and advocacy and programing at various levels.

This was made possible through stakeholder collaboration and support to the research program to implement its 2012 UBE policy research framework.

The research framework is being reviewed to provide a platform for the Institute to better respond to the data needs of DoE in particular and other stakeholders more broadly.

Quintina Naime