Miss Pacific Island Pageant PNG first judging tonight

Miss Pacific Island Pageant (MPIP) PNG will host its first judging of the Miss PNG this evening, at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Port Moresby.

The six contestants will each be presenting a 4 minute speech on topics of relevance to the country and region.  

The topics cover a range of areas including Health, Education, Tourism, Climate Change/Environment, Culture and Leadership. 

The contestants, over the week have undergone public speaking lessons with the Toastmasters Club. 

MPIP PNG Deputy Chairperson Molly O’Rourke says the classes are meant to allow contestants to speak well and lay out their presentations in a proper manner 

In the meantime, the contestants teams have been researching and assisting each to prepare and practice for this evening.  

According to the pageant committee, this year is the first time one category of the judging has been brought forward.  

The event is open to the public. 

Furthermore, the public can also vote for their favourite contestant via SMS, following the partnership between the pageant and Bemobile-Vodafone telecommunication company. 

Bemobile users can vote as many times as they like by dialling code 16110 and SMS a name of a contestant. 

The contestants are:   

1) Melody Leke –Miss Pacific Balanced Fund   

2) KellyanneLimbiye – Miss Pacific Assurance Group   

3) Dorothy Elliott – Miss Italpreziosi   

4) Lois Ilave – Miss Queen Emma Chocolates   

5) Samantha Kuase – Miss Institute of Business Studies (IBS)   

6) Rose LakoroPitoi – Miss International Training Institute (ITI)   

To vote Melody, dial 16110 and SMS – MELODY.   

To vote Kellyanne, dial 16110 and SMS - KELLYANNE   

To vote Dorothy, dial 16110 and SMS – DOROTHY   

To vote Samantha, dial 16110 and SMS – SAMANTHA   

To vote Rose, dial 16110 and SMS – ROSE   

Voting ends at 12 noon on Saturday and the winner will be announced at the Crowning Night in the evening. She will be “Miss Bemobile Vodafone People’s Choice”.   

Crowning will be on Saturday October 22.

Gloria Bauai