Micah calls on O’Neill to stop ‘arrogant game’

People’s Progress Party Leader and Kavieng MP Ben Micah has called on Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to stop the ‘arrogant’ game and step down.

Speaking at a radio talk back show this morning, Micah said it’s time to listen to the cries of the people and bring them justice.

He said his movement to the Opposition was not about the ‘numbers game or to show might’ but to listen to the people and help calm the situation at hand.

“I’d rather prepare to be on the side of right but the cry of the 8 million people of this country is what I prefer to listen to rather than fooling myself to be with a government that is not putting the people first.”

Micah challenged O’Neill and Finance Minister James Marape to not forget the biblical story of small David defeating giant Goliath and Gideon defeating the thousand army of Syria.

He said the Opposition can be powerful in the last minute because anything can happen.

Meanwhile, members of the public are congratulating Micah for his move.

Freddy Mou