Lae auditions set higher platform

Lae auditions of the Yu Em Khax talent show has beaten the Port Moresby auditions by one point, says show producer Ailyn Sokot.

Compared to Port Moresby, Ailyn says there are a variety of talents and each came prepared for the auditions.

“What we did not see in Port Moresby, we are seeing it here. Port Moresby gave us the more usual acts like singing and dancing, Lae on the other hand has a drama group, two or three magicians, a few comedians, rapping, beat-boxing.

“We did not expect this much and the youngest who auditioned on Saturday was about 4 or 5 years old. Most who auditioned are mostly teens and in their early twenties, with sereral elderly people,” she said.

“Lae has raised the bar,” she added. Outstanding acts from Sunday includes a young girl who sings with beat she creates from tapping the floor and a cup and a young man hitting notes on his electric guitar.

Loop PNG caught up with Steven Philemon after his solo performance on the electric guitar.

“I began playing since childhood but started performing in high school. This particular performance is a mix of a famous Sunday School chorus King David’s Dance and my original. “Everybody has their own talent and I figured I should try out and have some fun so that was me having fun,” he said.


Gloria Bauai