Highlands buai buyers warned to move back to LBC PMV stop

THE MADANG Town Manager, Lau Sorum has advised PMV route 100 drivers and operators who travel the Highlands routes to use the LBC PMV stop and not urban stops in Madang town.

He said bulk betelnut buyers from the Highlands and travellers must not use or pile up their wares around the Handy Mart area because it is not a designated route 100 PMV stop.

Sorum said the designated PMV stop for route 100 buses and trucks is the LBC stop near Wagol.

Recently, the urban PMV stop near Handy Mart service station at Jomba is being used by Highlands betelnut buyers as their pick-up point. These bulk betelnut buyers are piling up their bags anywhere near the Handy Mart PMV stop  and is an eye-sore and a concern to the local authorities in Madang.

The mere presence of these Highlands bulk betelnut buyers is triggering illegal vendors who sell loose cigarettes, betelnut and even cooked food around there.

These betelnut buyers have also gone to the extent of physically occupying an urban route PMV shelter (pictured)  to pile up betelnut bags thus occupying space for Madang town travellers and causing  inconvenience.

Madang Traffic Police has also warned route 100 PMV buses not to occupy space or stop at the Madang urban PMV stop.

Last weekend saw traffic congestion and overcrowding of highlands travellers at the Handy Mart service station because route 100 buses own by Highlanders were picking up passengers who were mostly betelnut buyers.

Even travellers wanting to travel up to the Highlands were also crowding around Handy Mart area simply to catch a ride on those route 100 buses.

Madang Traffic senior Constable, Frank Makora said PMV bus drivers from the highlands who violate traffic rules will face full brunt of the law.


Picture: A route 100 PMV bus causing infringement at Handy mart in Madang while betelnut bags occupy space at the urban PMV stop. Pictures by JAMES G.KILA
