The health benefits of regular blood donation

Welcome to another health update from the Port Moresby General Hospital this week we are focusing on the health benefits of regular blood donation.

Want to save a life and reap the health benefits? Donate blood today. 

Blood Donations Saves Lives -

Blood is vital for life and for many people, blood donors are their lifeline. Currently, it is thought that only 1 in 30 people give blood, but 1 in 3 people will need blood in their lifetime. Every week, the Port Moresby General Hospital needs approximately 400 bags of clean blood to assist those in need. To collect that many donations the blood bank team will screen approximately 800 volunteers each week as not everyone who volunteers will be able to donate due to health reasons. Blood can only be stored for a limited amount of time before use which Is why there is a constant need for regular blood supply. Regular blood donations by a sufficient number of healthy people are needed to ensure that safe blood will always be available. Modern processing techniques mean that your single blood donation when separated into its components (red cells, plasma and platelets), can help at least three different patients by making vital products which treat many conditions. This means your decision to donate can save a life, or even several.

Want to become a regular blood donor?

Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person - the gift of life. The Port Moresby General Hospital Blood Bank is now open 7 days. Walk on in between 9am and 3pm any day.

Who Does Donate Blood Help?

- Women with complications of pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancies and hemorrhage before, during or after childbirth;

- Children with severe anemia often resulting from malaria or malnutrition;

- People with severe trauma following accidents

- Surgical and cancer patients.

- Transfusions for people with conditions such as thalassaemia and sickle cell disease.

- Blood is used to make products such as clotting factors for people with haemophilia.

Want to Know if You are Eligible to Donate Blood?

Most people are able to give blood if they:

- Are fit, healthy and not suffering from a cold, flu or other illness at the time of donation or in the previous 7 days

- Are aged between 16-70 years

- Weigh at least 50kgs

- Drink at least 3 glasses of water/juice in the 3 hours before donating blood and in the 24 hours before donating, especially in warm weather.

- Eat something in the 3 hours before donating.

Health Benefits of Being a Regular Blood Donor -

Did you know that blood donation not only saves lives but can improve your health too? Roll up your sleeves and donate blood today. Those who donate:

Get a Mini Physical - Every blood donor gets a mini-physical prior to donation which includes checking your haemoglobin level, blood glucose levels, weight and blood pressure. Your blood will also be tested for infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis. Please note: this should not be used as a replacement for regular medical care however it will give you a good indication of your general health such as finding out if you have been exposed to an infectious disease.

Have Better Blood Flow - Repeated blood donations may help your blood to flow better, possibly helping to limit damage to the lining of your blood vessels, which should result in fewer arterial blockages which can decrease your risk of having a stroke. Phillip DeChristopher, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Loyola University Health System blood bank, told TIME: “What is clear is that blood donors seem to not be hospitalized so often, and if they are, they have shorter lengths of stay and are less likely to get heart attacks, strokes, and cancers.”

Live Longer – According to a study: Those who volunteer for altruistic reasons, i.e. to help others rather than themselves, live longer than those who volunteer for more self-centered reasons.

Balances Iron Levels in Your Blood – For each unit of blood donated, you lose about one-quarter of a gram of iron, which is one of the best ways to avoid the health risks associated with iron overload. Your body has a limited capacity to excrete iron, so it can easily build up in and damage organs like your liver, heart, and pancreas; many adult men and postmenopausal women are at risk for health problems associated with excess iron.

Burns Calories - People burn approximately 650 calories per donation of one pint (470 ml) of blood, according to the University of California, San Diego.

Reduces The Risk of Cancer -  The Miller-Keystone Blood Center says that a consistency of blood donations is associated with lower risks of cancers including liver, lung, colon, and throat cancers due to the reduction in oxidative stress when iron is released from the bloodstream.

Preserves Cardiovascular Health –  Blood viscosity is known to be a unifying factor for the risk of cardiovascular disease, says the Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide. How thick and sticky your blood is and how much friction your blood creates through the blood vessels can determine how much damage is done to the cells lining your arteries. You can reduce your blood viscosity by donating blood on a regular basis, which eliminates the iron that may possibly oxidize in your blood. An increase in oxidative stress can be damaging to your cardiovascular system. According to a study by the Journal of the American Medical Association, Blood donation also reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Haemoglobin and Iron -

Every time go to give blood or platelets your haemoglobin levels will be checked     (the protein found in the red blood cells that carries oxygen around your body and gives blood its red colour). This is performed using a finger prick test and is to ensure these levels do not drop below normal after donation. Haemoglobin levels vary from person to person though men usually have higher levels than women. If your iron stores are low, haemoglobin may fall below normal and you will be unable to donate however we do encourage you to add some iron rich foods to your diet and come back to try again in the future.

The Importance of Getting Enough Iron in Your Diet -

The human body needs iron to make the oxygen-carrying proteins haemoglobin (found in red blood cells) and myoglobin (found in muscles). If your need for dietary iron isn’t met, your body’s iron stores will decline over time which can cause:

Iron depletion – A reduction in haemoglobin levels. When tested they appear normal however the storage of iron has reduced. This stage has no obvious symptoms.  

Iron deficiency – Iron storage levels have become substantially reduced, and haemoglobin synthesis begins to be affected which may cause you to feel tired. Eating enough iron-rich foods in your daily diet can minimise your risk for iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency anaemia – develops when iron stores are insufficient to maintain haemoglobin production which may cause a person to experience weakness, fatigue, dizzy and breathless. Those with Iron deficiency anaemia are in need of replenishment to avoid further symptoms and complications.

There are two types of iron found in food:

Heme Iron: found in meat, fish and poultry, and is the form of iron that is most readily absorbed by your body.

Non-Heme Iron: Found in plant-based foods and fortified grain products. Non-heme foods are not as easily absorbed into the body as heme iron. Foods high in vitamin C can help with the absorption of non-heme iron.

Think you may be low in iron? See your doctor for a check up. If you are thinking about taking an iron supplement, it is important to discuss this with your doctor as it may interfere with certain medications. If supplementation is suggested, only take as recommended by your doctor.

What can I do to improve my haemoglobin levels prior to donation?

Try adding these iron-rich foods to your diet:

Meat/seafood/poultry: Beef, lamb, oysters, mussels, chicken liver, eggs.

Vegetables: Leafy greens (spinach, Swiss chard, rocket) Broccoli, mushrooms, beetroot, potatoes.

Fruit: Strawberries, Watermelon, coconut, raisins, figs, dried apricots.

Fortified foods: fortified cereals, bread, rice, and pasta

Nuts and seeds: Cashew, almonds, hazelnuts, Seeds: (pumpkin, sunflower).

Beans/legumes: Beans (soybeans, kidney, black, mung) and lentils.

Other: Tofu, Dark Chocolate, Oats.

Remember: Fruits and vegetables can also be a good source of iron and vitamin C rich foods can help increase the absorption of iron into the body.

Tips for a Successful Donation -

Before Your Donation -

Diet: Maintain a healthy iron level in your diet by eating iron rich foods, such as red meat, fish, leafy greens, beans, iron-fortified cereals, eggs and raisins.

Sleep: It's important to get a good night's sleep before blood donation.

Hydrate: Drink plenty of water or juice in the days before donation and extra 3 non-alcoholic drinks In the 3 hours leading up to your donation which will help prepare your body for an extra loss of fluids.

Eat a healthy meal before donating: Avoid foods high in fat (burgers, ice-cream, chips, etc.) before donating. Fatty foods can affect the tests performed on your blood such as those that test for infectious diseases and you may be unable to donate blood.

Avoid Alcohol: Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours before blood donation

Avoid Aspirin: If you are a platelet donor, remember that your system must be free of aspirin for two days before donation. If you are on any other medications it is important to continue taking these as prescribed.

During Your Donation -

- Wear clothing with sleeves that can be raised above the elbow.

- Let the person taking your blood know if you have a preferred arm and show them any good veins that have been used successfully in the past to draw blood.

- Relax, listen to music, talk to other donors or read during the donation process.

After Your Donation -

- Take the time to enjoy a snack and a drink immediately after donating.

- Drink plenty of liquids over the next 24- 48 hours to help replenish fluids lost through donation. Avoid alcohol.

- Avoid heavy lifting or vigorous exercise for the rest of the day.

- If you experience dizziness or lightheadedness after donation, lie down until you feel better.

- If the needle site starts to bleed, apply pressure to it and raise your arm for about 3-5 minutes or until bleeding stops.

- Smile! You have made a positive difference in someone’s life.

Donating Blood at PMGH –

The Port Moresby General Hospital Blood Bank is now open 7 days. Walk on in between 9am and 3pm any day. Nervous about donating? Don’t be:

- The staff at the blood bank will be there to help you feel relaxed and at ease.

- Don’t like needles? Your courage could save someone’s life. Remember that people who receive blood have needles too.

- You can bring a friend or family member and donate together.

Donated blood at PMGH recently? We would love to hear about your experience. Did you take a photo? Post it on our Facebook page.

Don’t live in Port Moresby and still want to donate blood? Contact your nearest hospital and ask about blood donation.

Want to get your business or company involved in the corporate blood drive?Contact us on or if you require more information take a look at the website

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