Falling dam level affects power: PNG Power boss

PNG Power acting chief executive officer John Yanis says the low water levels at Sirinumu Dam had resulted in the hydro power stations generating power supply at a lower capacity.

“The dam’s water level is now at 38.4% of the full spill level, which is 130 million cubic metres (MCM). The dam capacity is 340 MCM,” Yanis said in a statement.   

And with the El Nino weather limiting the normal rainfall period in the country, the boss of the state owned power supplier urges consumers to save electricity.

“Electricity consumers are asked to switch off any electricity supply that is not in use, turn off lights in rooms that are empty, and use air conditioning units at 24 degrees centigrade or above.

“At the same time, PPL takes this opportunity to call on the general public to use power wisely as the more power used, the more we drain out water from the Sirinumu Dam,’’  Yanis said.

Meanwhile, Port Moresby experienced a two-hour power outage on Thursday which was due to faults caused by heavy dust accumulation impacting power supply on power distribution lines at Motukea and Baruni.

“The accumulation of dust on the insulators tripped and caused a short circuit to the Port Moresby system. The fault has since been identified and rectified.

“With the current El Nino weather pattern, the dry weather means that there will be a lot of dust coming in contact with power supply infrastructure.

“PPL’s grave concern at this stage is to ensure that the distribution lines are clear of any dust accumulation which will result in power outages and have activated a plan to ensure dust accumulation is minimized on all distribution lines within the city,’’ Yanis added.

Charles Yapumi