Digicel staff graduate with First Aid certificates

Digicel graduated it's final batch of certified First Aid officers during a small ceremony at their headquarters in Port Moresby.

The 13 staff members were from the various divisions at Digicel HQ.

The First Aid course was done with help from the St Johns Ambulance  Services and Digicel's Learning and Developmental Centre.

The 13 staff are among a  group of 36 who have graduated with certificates in First Aid.

Susanne Memafu-Pala from Digicel Learning and Development  told Loop PNG  that this is a training partnership with  St St Johns Ambulance Service and Digicel. She said as an exchange of Digicel training 40 St Johns staff on basic computing, St Johns offered to give First Aid Training to Digicel staff.

Memafu-Pala said all graduates, including 11 from all our regional centre's have graduated with 92 percent during assessment and have been certified

Each of the graduates now hold a First Aid certificate that certifies them to attend to Accidents and Emergencies and CPR.

The two workshops were carried out in May 2016.

Head of Digicel HR, Antoinette Farrell-Jones said it was a "win-win situation" for both organisations.


Picture: The 13 members of staff graduating as certified First Aid Officers.


Alfred Kaniniba