Croc farm to close

A local crocodile farmer in Madang is now preparing to release back into their natural habitat.

Freddie Babao who owns Bilia farms Crocodile says they cannot continue to operate as there is a lack of constant supply of feed due to a lack of funding.

Chicken gut was mainly used as feed however it became expensive and Babao turned to salted fish from RD Tuna cannery.

Bilia farms over 1000 crocodiles in all sizes in 10 breeding ponds.

Babao has liaised with the local land owners along the Ramu River banks to have the crocodiles released into the river.

He says when he closes the farm 10 people will lose their jobs as well.

Crocodile Skin is used to for leather products and regarded as a high commodity earner on the global market.

Madang province had two crocodile farms, the other owned by Simon Seeto which closed three months ago.

This local farmer is now appealing to the government and any investors for assistance.

Joy Kisselpar