Activists say fight is far from over

Social activists say the proposed public protest in the nation’s capital is not cancelled but rather it is postponed.

In thanking the members of the public that showed up at Unagi Oval on Monday, chairman of the PNG Anti-Corruption Movement for Change Lucas Kiap said people cannot be suppressed despite threats and intimidation being used on them.

Kiap says despite the police turning up early Monday morning at Unagi Oval to order protestors to leave, confrontation was avoided by the leaders who instead called to meet with the Police Commissioner, his deputies and NCD Metropolitan police Commander Supt Ben Turi.

Kiap informed PNG Loop that the group managed to find common grounds on which each of the parties could proceed with in their protests.

He also commended activist leaders like Bryan Kramer who did a good job in holding together the public groups that turned up at Unagi while the meeting with police took place.

Kiap admits that there was a technical error with the initial protest request and says that once this is sorted out, a proper protest will be staged by the activist groups.

Meanwhile, Kiap added that activist groups aim to take a more decisive approach by creating awareness among the members of the community.

He is encouraging all citizens to keep up the pressure and hold the authorities accountable and to support the university students.

Kiaps adds that people must hold all sections of their society accountable by exposing corruption and keeping the heat on people in authority.
“We need the support of everyone next time to stage a successful protest. We urge everyone to keep educating the rural masses and those who are not on Facebook so that all citizens know about what we are fighting for,” he said.

Julianna Waeda