Rotary Club Supports Bomana's Students

In a gesture of support and generosity, the Rotary Club of Port Moresby extended a helping hand to Bomana Primary School in North East, NCD.

The school recently received a significant donation of books, thanks to the collaboration between the club and Buk bilong Pikinini (BbP).

The donation included the highly popular School Library Kits, designed to enhance reading experiences, along with nine sets of readers from the engaging 'When I Grow Up' series. Additionally, the collection comprised inclusive education picture books and various other titles to cater to the diverse needs of the students.

Mayanne Ari, the Head Teacher of Bomana Primary School, alongside ten representatives from each grade (grades 4-6), gratefully accepted the donation on behalf of the school community. The books will be distributed to each classroom from grades 3 to 8, as the school currently lacks a dedicated library building.

Recognizing the importance of fostering a reading culture among the students, Mrs. Ari is actively seeking corporate sponsorship to construct a proper library within the school premises. She expressed her heartfelt gratitude to BbP and the Rotary Club of Port Moresby for their generous contribution. With countless schools facing similar challenges across Papua New Guinea, the assistance provided by these organizations is truly invaluable.

This act of benevolence is not an isolated incident, as the Rotary Club of Port Moresby has plans to continue their philanthropic efforts in the coming weeks. More book donations are on the horizon, promising to make a lasting impact on the education and literacy landscape in the region.
