Plan encourages issue based reporting

One year after establishing a media unit, the department of community development and religion has launched its first ever media and communication strategy.

The launch today, was described as the highlight of all its efforts in the past year.

The strategy is the guideline to which the department and media houses will refer to, in their combined effort, to bring awareness to PNG’s rural population.

In the past year, the Department for Community Development and Religion has achieved a lot, establishing new initiatives and making new reforms; to benefit the people.

Unfortunately, 80 percent of the population in rural PNG, have no access to this useful information, as geography and mobility stands as a challenge.

This is where, the department hopes to use the media.

The launch of the media and communication strategy plan today, will see working relationships between department and the media be more defined and controlled.

Media Manager David Nugi briefly highlighted the strategic plan, from the department’s view.

Among things outlined, the strategy encourages journalists to present news using an issue based approach, as well as disseminating information in simple languages, to make it accessible to all population.

Meantime, the President of the PNG Media council, Nevil Choi, was also there to pledge support on behalf of the media.

The strategy plan will most likely be presented to respective media houses in the near future. 

Gloria Bauai