Parkop: PMV issues to be worked on

NCD Governor, Powes Parkop, says his office will be in close consultation with the Port Moresby PMV Association to resolve outstanding public transport issues.

The Governor said that he and the NCDC management are adamant to draw up amicable solutions to offer cheap, affordable and uninterrupted public transport system.

“In the last 10 years I have been giving excuses and shifting the responsibility of public transport entirely to the Department of Transport.

“I have to work with the Minister and the Department and if we can get the powers to NCDC, we will do that” Parkop said.

He added they will work with the PMV owners and operators to deliver a better service, a service that is reliable and efficient.

Parkop said 2018 is the year to get the basic things right and public transport is no exception. 

Carolyn Ure