North Ambenob women take lead

The North Ambenob Local Level Government (LLG) in Madang Province has always been a challenging area for the district administration.

The LLG comprises several islands, which are sparsely located around the province, and even though they are a few minutes out of the provincial town’s precinct, lack vital services.

Having been without an LLG President for over a year now, many of their outstanding projects and commitments have dwindled. The people remain incredulous about any development taking place anytime soon.

Ward Administrator, Ilan Kashu, has found a way to pursue development for his communities by utilizing the local women’s council.

Madang’s Provincial Council of Women is struggling to run programs and projects because they lack government funding and support. However, there is hope to assist the people of North Ambenob. According to Mr Kashu, the LLG included the local women’s council in its budget plan and put a call out to the women’s council for each ward to elect its executives so that planning can begin.

Mothers at North Ambenob swiftly responded. After electing representatives for each of their hamlets, there are 69 women representing Krangket, Bilia, Panitibun and Ulifun Islands, Gogom and Balam Village. Qt Bilia Island yesterday, the women executives met to elect their executives for the LLG Women’s Council. Madri Kazu was elected President, Martha Basho was Vice President, Cathy Bashan was Secretary and Albertina Lapiu was Treasurer. These women felt the need for women’s voices to be heard in the political space, in the hope of securing funding and support to roll out development initiatives in their communities.

One Ward Councilor, Rodney Selan, applauded the women for taking the lead in empowering themselves to improve their livelihoods and that of their families. Mr. Selan challenged the mothers to cooperate well.

A database for all mothers of North Ambenob Ward 1 is already in the making so that project planning can begin.

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