ENB celebrate disability day

People with disabilities (PWD) from the Disable People Organisation (DPO) in East New Britain have called on the public to accept them in their communities.

Britain Inspector Edward Gigi, who is an amputee said, “See our ability and not our disability and accept us into the community, accept us into the workforce and utilise us to the best in doing things in the workforce, community and in homes.”

He made the call during the International Disability Day (IDD) celebration under the theme, ‘Remove Barriers, Make Rights Real’.

Inspector Gigi shared that most of them have disability and are employed and try their best to work hard to show that they can perform but others are being turn down due to their disability.

 “We get looks, discrimination in the village or in the work place and people we talked to and approached or the authorities that we work for it is not easy for us.

“We are all covered under the constitution we are just the same as you able people,” said Inspector Gigi.

Disable People Organisation (DPO) Chairlady, Ellen Royal said that PWD have always been categorized as people who are vulnerable and are to be sympathized with.

“Disability is not a new thing it has been here and is in the law before we gain independence so we are recognised and also have the right like any other normal people and we should not be treated unfairly and vulnerable or feel sorry for,” she said.

She appealed to the public to see PWDs as equal who have skills and talents and are hesitant to come out because of discrimination.
