Digicel Foundation: Education a key priority

The Papa Elementary & Primary School in Central Province celebrated the opening of its new library today.

The library is courtesy of Digicel PNG Foundation' rewards program.

The fully kitted library comes 2 years after the donation of the elementary classroom.

Before officially opening the library, Digicel PNG Foundation CEO, Beatrice Mahuru said education is the single biggest investment by Digicel PNG through the foundation.

"Human Resource is the most valuable assert any community and country has. Oil, gas and the extractive industry will deplete one day, but Human Resource will remain" she said.

She encouraged the students to pursue their education seriously and contribute back to Papa and the country.

Meantime, delighted teachers and students were grateful for the library adding it is a timely donation as the school continues to strive to educate   future leaders of the nation.

Caroline Ure