ATS Youth Continue Community Support To Park’s Event

Continuing their support to the Nature Park for the second consecutive year for the BSP Trash to Treasure Sculpture Festival are youth members from ATS community in Port Moresby.

Now into its fourth year running, the BSP Trash to Treasure Sculpture Festival has educated and inspired more students and youth around Port Moresby and Central province about the importance of recycling and reusing waste material for better purposes in the household and community.

For the youth at ATS, their involvement in the BSP Trash to Treasure Sculpture Festival is part of their community leaders’ efforts in changing youth mindsets that living in a settlement should not limit them to opportunities that can earn them employment or more learning to better their livelihoods.

Their involvement in last year’s festival as volunteer artists was an added bonus to the Park as they collaborated with volunteers from the University of Papua New Guinea to create some very fascinating sculptures from trash collected around the city.

The Port Moresby Nature Park and all its volunteers are now hard at work putting together more trash sculptures for the upcoming BSP Trash to Treasure festival in June and call on residents around Port Moresby to help donate reusable trash such as cans, plastic bags and bottles, aluminium trays, etc to aid the volunteers construct more sculptures this year.

To find out more about the BSP Trash to Treasure Sculpture Festival and how one can donate reusable waste material towards the sculpture festival, people are advised to call Port Moresby Nature Park’s Sales & Marketing team on 326 0248 or email

Port Moresby Nature Park is a charity organisation that relies on grants and donor funding to operate. By visiting the Park and joining our Membership, visitors help support the Park’s efforts in preserving PNG’s unique natural environment for future generations, including the Park’s 350 resident animals, majority of which have been surrendered to the Park for care.

Press Release