Toma Empowered

The people of Vunakaur in Toma-Vunadidir, East New Britain Province became an agent of the East New Britain Savings and Loans Society last Friday

The establishment of the Lastwind Enterprise Agency is the third in the province together with Malabunga and Warangoi, and will give the Vunakaur people the opportunity to participate in the economic development of East New Britain Province.

The Chairman of the East New Britain Savings and Loans Society, Grand Chief Sir Sinai Brown and the East New Britain Governor Nakikus Konga were the official guests accompanied by Deputy Administrator Levi Mano and other invited guests for the occasion.

Governor Konga encouraged the Vunakaur people to be the driving force for development at the Ward level to meaningfully participate to grow the local economy.  

The East New Britain Savings and Loans Society is one of the largest successfully run financial institutions in the country and Governor Konga who has been an active member for 25 years challenged Chairman Grand Chief Sir Sinai Brown to seriously consider entering the Banking market and buy out WestPac.


Terry Longbut