Establish effective consultation process: Raju

CPL Group CEO Navin Raju has urged the government of Papua New Guinea to consult with local business before making decisions that impact them.

Raju’s statement follows decisions by the government including imposing public holidays and the recent liquor ban, which need a more effective consultation process.

According to Mr. Raju, sudden announcements of public holidays or restrictions on liquor trading without prior consultation can have severe economic consequences, leading to significant losses for businesses.

Local business owners have emphasized the need for sufficient notice to mitigate losses or plan accordingly. They believe that by engaging in meaningful consultation with the business community, the government can better understand the potential impact of its decisions and take steps to minimize any adverse effects on the economy.

While the rationale behind such decisions is understood, it is crucial that businesses are given sufficient notice to prepare for any potential impact.

Mr. Raju believes that effective consultation will not only benefit the business community but will also lead to more informed decisions and better outcomes for the overall economy.

The government has yet to respond to these concerns, but local business owners are hopeful that their voices will be heard, and changes will be made to improve the consultation process.

Press Release